7th Slovak Annual Congress on Power and Energy held under auspices of Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republicy
Bratislava, Pálfy Palace,Zamocka street, June 8 – 9, 2010
Dear colleagues, EN•KO 2010 participants,Several days ago the 7th Annual International Congress EN•KO 2010, entitled “SEVEN MILESTONES OF THE SLOVAK ENERGY INDUSTRY”, finished. The main objective, and not only this year’s congress, is to open a debate on what development is for the Slovak and European energy sectorsustainable and desirable, in the frame of global energy market.The new EU energy policy, said today, is based on three main pillars of the development:• potential of energy savings and management of intelligent energy networks• intensive use of renewable sources• development of nuclear energy by building new sources of Generation III plus and research for Generation IVAll these efforts lead to the promotion of the use of low-carbon energy technologies and industries. We are convinced that our Congress supported discussion on how to develop energy sector, and to find starting points for further sustainable development. At the end let me thank for your active participation and creation of informal pleasant social atmosphere. We are looking forward to meeting you on the next 8th Annual Congress EN•KO 2011 in Bratislava.Ľuboš TomíkEN•KO 2010 Congress ChairmanJiří MarekEN•KO 2010 Congress Vice Chairman